Tag Archive for: The Daily Flash

The Daily Flash: A Roadmap for Successful Goal-Setting

Kevin Guest, Chairman & CEO of USANA Health Sciences and author of All the Right Reasons, appeared on The Daily Flash show on Jan. 12, 2023. In the interview, he outlined a seven-step roadmap to successful goal setting. Doing so helps you create a personal success plan.

“It all begins with loving yourself,” Guest says. “If you do, you’ll have a much better chance at accomplishing your goals. I think love is a very, very powerful tool in achieving our goals. It starts with us individually and sometimes we forget about that.”

🎥 Watch the full interview on The Daily Flash YouTube channel.

A Seven-Step Goal-Setting Roadmap

The Daily Flash | Set Goals for YourselfThe start of a new year is the perfect opportunity to create a personal success plan. To help others create such a plan, Guest outlines seven steps one should take:

  1. Defining your goals
  2. Breaking them down
  3. Taking action
  4. Staying motivated
  5. Going all in
  6. Loving yourself
  7. Celebrating wins

Daily Flash: Additional Information

Previously, Kevin Guest appeared on The Daily Flash show in November 2021. In that appearance, he talked about principles contained within All the Right Reasons book. Daily Flash is a nationally distributed news and entertainment program. Its hosts aim to inform and entertain while helping viewers jumpstart their day.

Kevin Guest on The Daily Flash

Kevin Guest, the author of All the Right Reasons, appeared on The Daily Flash show on Nov. 11, 2021. In the interview, he outlined principles from the book, including The Dorothy Principle and The Cardboard Keyboard Principle.

Watch the full episode of The Daily Flash

Learn more about the principles mentioned in the segment.