The Hope Diamond Principle: Preparation is Key

The Hope Diamond Principle

Kevin Guest Holding the Hope DiamondWe’re one day away from the start of the 2019 USANA Live Global Convention. It’s an event I look forward to every year. As we prepare to welcome thousands of our friends and family from all over the world, I’d like to share with you a principle from my book, All the Right Reasons.

Many years ago, I found myself on a private jet heading to a meeting with the curator of the Smithsonian Institute.

Once there, I somehow found myself in the center vaults of the Smithsonian with the Hope Diamond in my hand.

I remember standing there looking at this priceless jewel and thinking to myself: “How did I get here?”

Here I am, a kid from Montana standing in Washington, D.C., holding one of the most famous jewels ever in the history of the world.

The answer? I prepared myself for that moment.

Good Things Come to Those Who Are Prepared

Early in my professional career, a good friend of mine, Ray Albrechtsen, came up with the idea to partner with the Smithsonian Institute on educational video projects. After many letters, proposals, and countless phone calls, we were about to give up.

Yet, we stuck with it. And — this is key — we continued to develop our production plan should we ever get a callback from the Smithsonian.

Sure enough, Smithsonian representatives invited us to meet with them.

After we spent an afternoon in the vaults, handling the world’s most valuable gem, we struck a deal. We ended up making the Smithsonian gemstone video and a few others.

Sure, luck could have played a part. Luck alone didn’t put the Hope Diamond in my hands. We put in hours of work to get there. Luck, after all, tends to favor the prepared.

I encourage you to read the full story in chapter five of All the Right Reasons.

USANA Global Convention

For my USANA Family, Global Convention is this week. Perhaps you’ve heard that we will be announcing a special promotion only available to those who are at the event.

By simply joining us, you’ll get the opportunity to participate in something to help you grow your business significantly.

You’ve prepared yourself. You’ve made sacrifices, taken time off work, or whatever it may be. No matter what, you got yourself here. Why? Because you recognize attending Global Convention is an important investment in you and your business.

Good things come to those who are prepared. I challenge you to think about that principle as you work toward achieving your goals in life.

All the Right Reasons: 12 Timeless Principles for Living a Life in Harmony is available on Amazon. All proceeds benefit the USANA True Health Foundation and its mission to feed hungry children. Each book purchase helps to provide 40 meals.

The Gig Economy and USANA

Are you familiar with the term The Gig Economy? At its core, it’s based on large numbers of people working temporary, part-time, or contract positions.

In my mind, as a longtime musician, “gigs” were paying jobs we got to supplement other income. I secured my first musical “gig” in the eighth grade and have been a professional musician ever since.

Earlier this summer, I visited Austin, Texas, for the Direct Selling Association Annual Meeting. I spent a lot of time with other CEOs and leaders in our direct selling space. We talked — many times for hours — about company challenges we’re facing.

Most of our peers are facing some of the very same issues that we face at USANA.

The Gig Economy

One topic that kept coming up over and over is the “gig economy.” I share some thoughts about this notion in the video below:

View the video on YouTube

“The gig economy is very broad, and encompasses workers who are full-time independent contractors (consultants, for example) to people who moonlight by driving for Uber or Lyft several hours a week.” — John Frazer, Forbes

The independent-contractor workforce includes about 150 million people in North America and Western Europe, according to the Harvard Business Review. But what about people who want to earn extra income part-time, temporarily, or on the side? That’s a market space that seems to be growing, especially in the United States.

At USANA, we’ve excelled for 27 years in asking people to fire their boss and make USANA a career. Many have done that, and USANA continues to be a great opportunity for a full-time career.

But what if you simply want to earn a little extra money on the side of your existing career? It’s a trend, and we at USANA are looking at ways to help make it easier for individuals who are interested in that approach.

Strategically, it’s something we at USANA have to take seriously.

Looking Ahead

We’re starting to look at promotions, incentives, and various compensation plan enhancements that help to provide more immediate gratification.

So, that’s something that’s on my mind. I wanted to let you in on it so you could think about it, too. Please feel free to share your thoughts on the “gig economy” when you interact with us at USANA.

We’re constantly evolving at USANA. I’m excited for where we’re headed as a company and this is another opportunity for us to grow.

What I’m Reading: Customer Centricity

Customer Centricity: Focus on the Right Customers for Strategic Advantage, by Peter Fader

I’m back with the latest “What I’m Reading” episode. Today, the book is Customer Centricity. It’s helping me in my thinking as we drive our customer experience strategy here at USANA.

Customer CentricityOne big takeaway for me is the analysis of customer centricity vs. product centricity. At USANA, we’ve been very successful at a product-centric strategy. It’s definitely served us well.

But I believe that for us to get where we want to go, we have to evolve and center our efforts on the overall customer experience (which, obviously, includes providing our Associates with the best possible products).

We at USANA — and our thousands of independent business owners — are in an excellent position in today’s marketplace. It’s important to be able to connect one-on-one with our customers. We have built relationships and we can build upon those relationships to set us apart even further.

As we become more customer-centric in our approach and we truly connect with our customers, I believe all of us will be much more successful.

As the CEO of your own business (if you’re a USANA Associate or other entrepreneur), I invite you to think about ways in which you can be more customer-centric. To connect with new and existing customers. Determine how you can build better relationships. And most importantly, seek ways to add value.

If you’d like to keep track of “What I’m Reading” videos, please subscribe to my YouTube channel.

The Butch O’Hare Principle: You Have the Power to Change

You’ve heard me talk a lot about priorities and how to determine what matters most to you. At USANA, we prioritize our core values — Community, Excellence, Health, and Integrity. In my book, All the Right Reasons, the Butch O’Hare Principle demonstrates a commitment to doing the right thing.

No matter which road you’ve traveled in life, you’re always able to change. You have the power to be a force for good. You can work to improve not only your life but the lives of those around you.

Below is a news release that went out on July 1. It explains more about the Butch O’Hare Principle.


The Butch O'Hare Principle - Butch O'Hare - All the Right ReasonsDeclaring July the “Butch O’Hare Principle” month, USANA CEO Kevin Guest is drawing from his bestselling book, All the Right Reasons: 12 Timeless Principles for Living a Life in Harmony, to emphasize that every person has the right to change no matter their past.

“Butch O’Hare was a World War II hero who flew his fighter plane into a formation of Japanese planes over the Pacific Ocean to protect a U.S. fleet of ships,” said Guest, who leads USANA Health Sciences (NYSE: USNA) globally. “In his daring attempt to protect his fleet, he destroyed five enemy bombers in less than four minutes. He became the Navy’s first Ace of WWII and the first Naval aviator to be awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor by U.S. Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt.”

Butch O’Hare: The Ability to Change

The backstory is equally compelling.

“Butch was the son of Easy Eddie, the gifted lawyer who kept Al Capone out of jail during the 1920s and ’30s during Prohibition in Chicago,” Guest said. “While he made millions and lived lavishly in a mansion, Easy Eddie wanted to right his wrongs and give his son a life without a tarnished name.

“With that, Eddie publicly testified against Capone, which sent the crime boss to prison and resulted in Eddie being killed 10 months after Capone’s release.”

The Butch O'Hare Principle - O'Hare AirportIn 1947, the Chicago Tribune publisher proposed that Chicago’s new airport be named for Butch O’Hare to honor his heroism during the war.

“We don’t know what Easy Eddie shared with his son during his heart-to-heart talks, but Butch developed character traits of loyalty, courage, and humor, which became pillars for future decisions to nobly face enemies to protect hundreds of lives at war.”

At USANA Health Sciences, where Guest is CEO of the billion-dollar company, he applies the Butch O’Hare principle.

“Our values, character, yearnings, aspirations, and goals define us,” Guest said. “The better we understand who we are and who we want to be, the more centered and steady our lives become. We become sure and steadfast, unmoved by swirling forces around us.”

“I urge us all to choose who you will be moving forward no matter your past,” he said. “That’s when you can best make a difference for yourself and those around you.”

All the Right Reasons: 12 Timeless Principles for Living a Life in Harmony is available on Amazon. All proceeds benefit the USANA True Health Foundation and its mission to feed hungry children. Each book purchase helps to provide 40 meals.

News & Notes From Around USANA

Each month or so I like to touch on a variety of topics or events pertinent to the USANA Family. In this episode, I share a few thoughts on:

  • The USANA Management Team’s training at The Disney Institute and what we learned about customer experience.
  • Our new partnership with the Kids Eat program and how we’re helping to ensure children in 14 Utah schools are fed on weekends.
  • USANA as the Official Nutritional Partner of Spartan U.S. and how that fits squarely within our mission as a company.
  • The importance of third-party recognition and accolades.
  • What we have planned for the 2019 Global Convention — including insight into new things we’re trying this year (Aug. 14-17, 2019).

Recent USANA Accolades & Awards

I posted a video message recently explaining the importance of social media and the power of sharing.

Kevin GuestToday, I want to share some accolades we’ve received recently at USANA Health Sciences Inc. I encourage you to SHARE this exciting third-party recognition with your own social networks.

Share this link.

Thank you all for your dedication and hard work. #LiveUSANA

2019 Utah Best of State

The Best of State Awards were created in 2003 to recognize outstanding individuals, organizations and businesses in Utah.

Best of State candidates are evaluated by a panel of 100 judges based on three criteria:

  • Achievement in the field of endeavor
  • Innovation or creativity in approaches, techniques, methods or processes
  • Contribution to improving the quality of life in Utah.

Since 2003, USANA has won 60 Best of State awards. Here is how USANA performed at the 2019 awards:

  • USANA’s new Celavive® skincare system won its second-ever Best of State award in the Personal Care Products category
  • Rev3 Energy® won for the 11th consecutive year for best beverage
  • USANA CellSentials® took home its third consecutive win for best dietary supplement
  • USANA® Nutritionals supplement line won for the 15th time for best health/nutrition product

2019 Biotechnology Awards

DSN Global 100

  • USANA ranked No. 18 on the list of highest-earning direct selling companies in the world. Up from No. 23 in 2018

ABA Stevie Awards

  • Company of the Year – Consumer Products – USANA – GOLD
  • Achievement in Management – Consumer Products – Kevin Guest – GOLD
  • New Products – Consumer Products – USANA Celavive Sheet Mask – SILVER

AP Stevie Awards

  • Innovation in Management – Consumer Products – Kevin Guest – SILVER
  • Excellence in Corporate Innovation – Consumer Products – USANA – BRONZE
  • Innovation in Product Design & Development – Consumer Products – USANA Celavive Sheet Mask – BRONZE

Communicator Awards

  • Branded Video – Products & Services – CELAVIVE’S HYDRATING + LIFTING SHEET MASK – EXCELLENCE
  • Online Video – Web Series – USANA ATHLETES | TRUST – DISTINCTION

Hermes Awards

  • Video – Corporate Image – USANA Athletes Trust – PLATINUM
  • Social Media – Blog Overall – What’s Up, USANA? Blog – GOLD
  • Video – Marketing (Product) – CELAVIVE MASK 101: HOW-TO SHEET MASK – GOLD
  • Social Media – Instagram – USANA Corporate Instagram – GOLD

Customer Experience: Our No. 1 Priority

As you may know, a strategic focus for USANA in 2019 and beyond is customer experience. More specifically, how do we create a positive interaction at every point along the journey of someone who interacts with USANA?

Kevin Guest, USANA CEO

You’ve heard me say before that I believe all of us at USANA are in the relationship business. Therefore, ensuring we provide customers with a positive experience is critical to who we are and where we want to be as a company.

Our USANA Associates are independent business owners. They’re CEOs of their business. How can you create a positive interaction with your customers and those with whom you do business?

Think about every touchpoint along the way — your first email or social message, your initial meeting, your follow-up to questions, etc.

I encourage our USANA teams to think about that. And think of ways to help improve the customer experience.

Here at USANA, that’s our No. 1 priority. And I encourage you and challenge you to make that your No. 1 priority.

The Piano Principle: What Sacrifices Are You Willing to Make?

Early in All the Right Reasons (the second principle, in fact), I tell a story about my mom and dad.

When they were younger and didn’t have a lot of money — like a lot of us at that age, just starting out with a family — my parents needed to prioritize purchases.

Kevin GuestOne thing I’ll always remember: My parents bought a piano before they purchased a car.

It’s not like they didn’t need a car. Life likely would have been easier had they had one. Yet my dad would ride my mom around on his bicycle to the grocery store and other places.

Why did they do this? Because music was so important to them. And they were willing to sacrifice everything to see that we had music in the home.

They couldn’t afford both a piano and a car.

The Piano Principle speaks to that mindset.

You should do whatever it takes for the things that are most important to you.

Here’s something I’ve told a few people as I’ve thought about The Piano Principle. My wife, Lori, and I did pretty much the same thing. We were talking about this the other day. We bought a piano in the early days of our marriage.

We weren’t exactly like my parents — we did have a car. But we bought it used and made payments (like a lot of folks). We knew we needed a piano in our home to make sure our kids grew up with music in their lives.

Some of my greatest memories are sitting around the piano singing church hymns and other songs as a family.

The Piano Principle in Your Life

What do these stories mean for you? I encourage you to think about what’s most important to you and then what are you willing to sacrifice to make sure that it becomes a reality in your life.

It comes down to prioritizing.

The Piano Principle is simply that:

What is most important and then what are you willing to sacrifice to make sure it becomes a reality in your life?

If you do that, I believe you’ll look back years later and be so thankful that you did what it took to make sure that priority became a reality in your life.

How About You?

What’s most important in your life? Is it planning for a dream vacation? A new car? Saving to start your own business? I’d love to hear what you’re willing to sacrifice in order to make it a reality.

For more of my thoughts on principles included in All the Right Reasons, please take a look at this link.

What I’m Reading: Strategic Acceleration

Strategic Acceleration: Succeed at the Speed of Life, by Tony Jeary

Strategic Acceleration by Tony JearyThe latest “What I’m ReadinginstallmentStrategic Acceleration — highlights a book I’ve found incredibly helpful as I continue to grow and learn as a leader.

Tony Jeary, the author, is a good friend who’s helped me and other members of the USANA management team over the years. The message in this book really boils down to this:

  • Clarity
  • Focus
  • Execution

We have to be really clear about who we are, what our goals are, and what we want to accomplish. Then, we’re able to focus on what’s important and execute to achieve our goals.

When we’re clear in our goals, it allows us to focus on the task at hand, whatever it may be. With that, we’re able to execute on those goals strategically.

I think all of us in our lives, whether it’s in relationships, with USANA, or with health, we all could use more clarity.

Strategic Acceleration is a great read. I encourage all of you to take the opportunity to pick it up and please let me know your takeaways.

About Tony Jeary

For more than two decades, Tony has advised CEOs and other high achievers on how to discover new clarity for their vision, develop focus on their direction, and create powerful execution strategies that impact achievement and results.