Tag Archive for: World Service Week

World Service Week 2024: Deliver Acts of Kindness

As I wrote recently, it’s easy to find happiness in helping others. Working alongside so many incredible volunteers on a recent humanitarian mission filled my heart with gratitude. And now, as we mark the 8th Annual USANA World Service Week (June 9-16, 2024), the desire to give back grows.

In my travels over the years, I’ve seen firsthand the positive difference kind gestures and helping hands can make. In our work with The USANA Foundation, volunteers have traveled the globe helping those in desperate need.

But I believe some of the most remarkable acts of service take place within our own communities. It could be helping a neighbor carry in groceries, volunteering at your local food bank or community center, or stocking a snack basket for delivery drivers.

Or maybe it’s simply “paying it forward” for a kind deed you’ve received.

Serving Others

Here are two recent articles on The USANA Foundation’s blog that speak to this year’s World Service Week:

No matter how you choose to express kindness during World Service Week, know that it’s making a difference. It’s often difficult for us to comprehend what others might be going through. A simple act of kindness — of giving back — could make a world of difference in the lives of those around you.

Thank you for your service to others, this week and every week.

Giving Back

Remember, service isn’t confined to one week. Throughout the year, you can donate, become a USANA Foundation Ambassador, or fundraise through the USANA Foundation website. Please share your projects and photos, and connect online with #WorldServiceWeek24.

As always, 100% of all USANA Foundation donations go toward helping those most in need. Plus, you can submit an application for the Matching Grant Program. If approved, for every dollar you raise for a food-related cause, the USANA Foundation will match it. Here’s where to apply.

World Service Week 2022: Ways to Serve

Today marks the beginning of USANA World Service Week 2022. Each year, the global USANA Family rolls up its sleeves and gives back to the community. This is the sixth time we’ve coordinated a week of service, and each year I’m more impressed by the response.

In 2021, I received several wonderful messages from readers who were participating in one way or another.

I invite you to read about George Steciuk, a longtime USANA Associate who ran a 5K daily during World Service Week and raised money for The USANA Foundation.

World Service Week 2022 1920x640

Throughout the year, the USANA Foundation’s blog and social media share stories about individuals who are working to make a difference.

In fact, the USANA Foundation recently wrote a blog post with a handful of ideas for giving back…

There’s plenty you can do to serve someone else:

  • 🍱 Pay for a stranger’s lunch
  • 🥫Volunteer at a food bank
  • 🪴Help tend someone’s garden
  • 🥕 Adopt a Garden Tower
  • 🛒 Pick up groceries for a neighbor
  • 👩🏻‍🍳 Cook dinner for a friend who’s sick or home-bound

…and the list goes on!

The post continues by sharing stories of inspiration from our global USANA Family. Thank you in advance for helping to make a positive impact in the world this week and every week.

World Service Week

Here’s a short video I recorded ahead of last year’s event.

Giving Back

There are so many opportunities to get involved and to make a difference. If you’re looking for inspiration, you can donate, learn how to become a USANA Foundation Ambassador, or fundraise through the USANA Foundation website.

Please share your projects and photos, and connect online with #WorldServiceWeek22.

As always, 100% of all USANA Foundation donations go toward helping those most in need. You can help us reach our goal of raising 30,000 Garden Towers by donating here.

#WhereHopeisGrown 🌱

World Service Week 21: Thank You for Giving Back

World Service Week 2021 - Thank You

In a previous article, I encouraged readers to make a commitment to serve in their own communities during World Service Week.

The fifth-annual USANA World Service Week wrapped up on Monday. I took the opportunity to help a few neighbors who are going through some tough times. It’s not always easy to ask for help, so my family and I sought ways that we could potentially ease a burden or two.

Also, in last month’s e-newsletter (are you subscribed?), I asked for you to let me know your plans for the week. One email I received touched my heart, and I thank the author for allowing me to share it with all of you.

“I’ve thought about how I can possibly make a worthwhile contribution,” writes George Steciuk, a longtime USANA Associate, who lives in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

At age 76, George decided to run his first 10K. The next year, he completed a half-marathon. He’s run a half-dozen more since then, and this week, at age 84, George planned to run a 5K each day during World Service Week.

World Service Week: A Greater Purpose

George SteciukAs he does regularly, he enjoys getting out in the fresh air to run. But this week’s 5Ks will serve a greater purpose.

Leading up to World Service Week, George shared his plan and asked his friends, family, and colleagues to show their support for him by supporting The USANA Foundation.

He’s incorporated his fundraising efforts into the USANA Canada 5K Walkathon, which, by the end of Sunday, had raised more than $10,000 from 216 donors.

For the last 25 years, George has been a valued member of the USANA Family. And last week, he did something truly special to benefit The USANA Foundation.

Here’s a great video of George during his first World Service Week 5K on June 14. And check out George’s Facebook for videos from each of the 5Ks he completed during the week.

Thank you, George, for your support, and for allowing me to share your story. We all cheered you on as you completed your daily 5K runs for the Foundation!

And thank you to everyone else who participated in World Service Week. You each made a positive impact on the lives of others.

World Service Week in Action

Here are a few other notes you might enjoy from the week:

  • Take a look at a few photos from The USANA Foundation highlighting various projects during the week
  • See how a group from USANA set up six garden towers to grow fresh vegetables to donate to our community partners
  • Here’s a roundup of various projects completed by USANA employees
  • Watch an online concert to benefit The USANA Foundation!
  • And check out the photos under the #WorldServiceWeek21 hashtag (Instagram / Facebook).

The USANA FoundationSupport The USANA Foundation

Remember, service isn’t confined to one week. Throughout the year, you can donate, become a USANA Foundation Ambassador, or fundraise through the USANA Foundation website.

A version of this article originally went to e-newsletter subscribers on June 16, 2021.

World Service Week 2021: Giving Back to Your Community

We’re less than a month away from USANA World Service Week. Each year, the USANA Family joins together around the world to give back. This year’s global event will take place June 14-21, 2021.

As you may know, one of my all-time favorite quotes, which is attributed to Winston Churchill, is:

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

Truly, the things that really matter are what we can do to help others. Many of us are blessed to be in a position where we can give of our time and our money to help out those less fortunate.

Over the next little while, The USANA Foundation’s blog and social media will share stories about individuals who are making a difference in their communities.

Most recently, I read about why, in 2019, Canadian bobsledder Alex Kopacz joined the Foundation’s mission to Chiang Mai, Thailand. The Olympic gold medalist and USANA athlete served “to help families living in abject poverty who lacked the means to feed themselves,” the article says. “Along with 24 other volunteers, he helped the locals build lasting, sustainable food sources.”

What an inspiring story. I encourage you to read the article, and then I invite you to make a commitment to serving your own community during World Service Week.

World Service Week 2021

Giving Back

There are so many opportunities to get involved and to make a difference. Please send me a message with how you’re planning to give back during USANA’s fifth annual World Service Week. It could be included in next month’s e-newsletter.

If you’re looking for inspiration, you can donate, learn how to become a USANA Foundation Ambassador, or fundraise through the USANA Foundation website.

Note: A version of this article originally went to e-newsletter subscribers on May 20, 2021. If you’d like to subscribe, I invite you to do so here.