The following are select media placements and appearances featuring Kevin Guest, author of All the Right Reasons and Executive Chairman of USANA Health Sciences.
Kevin Guest appeared on the Inside Sources Show on Sept. 8, 2020. He spoke with Boyd Matheson on KSL FM and discussed principles contained in his book, All the Right Reasons.
The full 20-minute conversation can be heard as part of the “Therefore, what?” podcast. “For the Right Reason” (Episode 76) is available now on your podcast platform of choice.
Among the thoughts shared:
Take care of yourself so you can then take care of others in need. Self-care is a primary goal.
Be present. Live in the now. Stay grounded.
If you’re having a mental struggle, seek the help of a professional so you can learn skills to deal with it effectively.
For entrepreneurs, every “no” you receive helps you get one step closer to a “yes” and to success.
Kevin Guest is author of All the Right Reasons: 12 Timeless Principles for Living a Life in Harmony is available on Amazon. All proceeds benefit the USANA Foundation and its mission to feed hungry children. Each book purchase helps to provide 40 meals. Haran Haran2020-09-08 18:00:212020-09-09 16:34:32Kevin Guest on the ‘Therefore, what?’ Podcast
Kevin Guest appeared on the Inside Sources Show on Dec. 23, 2019. He spoke with Boyd Matheson on KSL Newsradio and discussed principles contained in his book, All the Right Reasons.
All the Right Reasons: 12 Timeless Principles for Living a Life in Harmony is available on Amazon. All proceeds benefit the USANA True Health Foundation and its mission to feed hungry children. Each book purchase helps to provide 40 meals. Haran Haran2019-12-26 12:03:342019-12-26 12:03:34Kevin Guest on the Inside Sources Show
Kevin Guest, CEO of USANA Health Sciences and author of All the Right Reasons, appears on Voice America’s “We Are What We Buy” show with Dr. Michael R. Solomon.
The episode, which aired on Nov. 14, 2019, is titled: The Direct Selling Model: What 20 Million People Know That You Don’t
Among other topics, Kevin discusses the impact of the Gig Economy.
About the ‘We Are What We Buy’ Show
We Are What We Buy helps YOU to understand what drives your customers. On every show, we dive into a topic that helps you to decipher the reasons your customers buy (or don’t).
Michael applies over 30 years of doing research on consumer behavior to talk about what drives us. He’s helped by industry experts who share their experiences from the trenches. Haran Haran2019-11-26 08:43:022019-11-26 08:51:41Kevin Guest Appears on ‘We Are What We Buy’
Last week we celebrated Valentine’s Day. February, in general, focuses on love. Therefore, I believe it’s the perfect time to increase our respect and harmony in all aspects of life. I’ve seen firsthand that when harmony is high, productivity rises, and happiness is at record levels.
My parents, Francis and Venus Guest, on their 50th wedding anniversary.
Many readers know that I grew up in Montana. It’s there that thanks to my parents’ example, I witnessed the importance of love and harmony.
In the ways that really count, my parents were truly extraordinary. They lived their lives serving and teaching others. Virtue meant something to my mom and dad, and threads of love, kindness, hard work, and integrity wove the strong cords of character in their lives.
My parents’ lessons, both spoken and lived, shaped the man I have become and the person I still hope to be. My success has been, in great part, because I try to remain true to the values my parents taught me.
A Life in Harmony
As I write in my book, All the Right Reasons, putting our core character traits into action is what it means to live a life in harmony.
In music, harmony happens when notes blend so it’s pleasing to the ear. Whether someone performs in a band, a choir, or an orchestra, nothing is quite as exhilarating as achieving perfect harmony with fellow musicians.
In life, harmony means living a consistent and honest arrangement of your values. And then solidly committing to living those values day in and day out.
Each of us experiences defining life moments when choices align with destiny and catapult us in an unanticipated direction. These moments can paralyze us, or they can transform us. They can profoundly reshape us for the better, leaving us with fresh insights, new goals, and strengthened resolve.
With your values defined, love, kindness, and respect for others, especially now, will foster harmony in relationships that literally enriches life and makes it more rewarding.
I shared these thoughts and more in a news release that went out on Feb. 7, 2022.
Designed to help others find keys to successful careers and life, All the Right Reasons reveals 12 principles for living a life in harmony. All proceeds from sales of the bestseller are aimed at feeding two million meals to hungry children. Available on Amazon, each book sold provides 40 meals through The USANA Foundation.
Kevin Guest, USANA Chairman & CEO, wrote an article for the February issue of Personal Excellence, a publication of
In the piece titled “Using Love, Harmony, and Kindness to Increase Productivity,” Guest explains how teams working together with more love and harmony increases productivity and happiness.
February, the month we celebrate love, is the perfect time to increase harmony in all aspects of life, Guest writes. Where harmony is high, productivity rises, and happiness is at record levels.
About the Publication
Personal Excellence aims to promote personal and professional development based on constructive values, sound ethics, and timeless principles. assists in developing human resources professionals. The organization’s global community features close to 2 million HR practitioners. Haran Haran2022-02-09 11:27:012022-02-14 11:44:55Kevin Guest on Harmony and Productivity in Magazine
Today we celebrate Job Action Day. Established in 2008, the day is intended to empower and inspire hard workers who dream of achieving more.
Out of sight does not have to mean out of mind, yet that’s exactly what can happen with employees working remotely during the pandemic. I regularly engage with leaders in 24 countries around the world, and those who have stayed top-of-mind implement five key practices to stay relevant and connected.
Job Action Day is a day of empowerment. It’s an opportunity to examine your career and discover your passion.
Job Action Day: 5 Ways to Stay Relevant at Work
Here are five key steps you can take to stay relevant and improve during the pandemic.
1. Take an Ownership Mindset
In reality, you are the owner of your career, which means you have to look out for your own advancements, growth, and opportunities. Because no one is more interested in your job than you, acting with an ownership mindset means you’ll be “all in” when facing projects.
2. Develop Strong Opinions & Know How to Share Them
Bosses are looking for would-be leaders who have solid opinions and who know how to share them.
As a boss, I surround myself with those who will bring perspective to the conversation — something the rest of us may not even consider. It’s imperative for today’s workers to make themselves informed, to weigh options, form opinions, and share them with bosses. That’s part of what helps us rise to higher levels.
3. Adapt Virtually & Master Technology
When COVID hit, the world shut down. But those who adapted virtually and mastered technology didn’t skip a beat.
You have to know your tech tools, implement the best ones and connect with the right people to get the job done. When you master the tools, you will be in conversations that matter and meetings that forward key issues.
4. Use Your Voice to Increase Visibility
Using one’s voice allows employees to increase their visibility and influence others with impressive perspectives.
Early on in my career, I learned to use my voice. Research shows that our tech-savvy generation has come at a cost: many people would rather communicate through devices than have human-to-human interaction. That will limit your influence, so you have to use your voice in-person and virtually at the right opportunities. Speak up. Share. Listen, and provide perspective to stay visible.
5. Expand Your Personal Development
Many employees now have more discretional time that was spent commuting or in non-productive meetings. Use that newfound time to improve skills and to learn new ones. Then train coworkers through mini-workshops. That instantly sets you apart as a leader, as one who is improving, and as an executive who is getting noticed by those around you, especially by your bosses.
These timely steps can help employees stay relevant to bosses and secure a solid standing for future growth.
I shared these thoughts and more in a news release that went out on Nov. 1, 2021.
Designed to help others find keys to successful careers and life, All the Right Reasons reveals 12 principles for living a life in harmony. All proceeds from sales of the bestseller are aimed at feeding two million meals to hungry children. Available on Amazon, each book sold provides 40 meals through The USANA Foundation. Guest Guest2021-11-01 13:59:232022-03-09 15:39:43Job Action Day: 5 Points to Help Improve Your Career