The Plato Principle: Surround Yourself with People Who Will Help You Grow

I recently returned from USANA Live — our annual Asia Pacific Convention. It’s an event I look forward to each year. The energy is off the charts and the enthusiasm is invigorating.

I intentionally surrounded myself with thousands of people — Associates and Employees — who are dedicated to making a difference in the world.

It reminded me of The Plato Principle, which I discuss in depth in All the Right Reasons.

In essence, The Plato Principle involves being open to those around you and having people around you who can be a positive influence. Surround yourself with good people that will help you grow.

I think it’s so important, especially in today’s world, to have an open mind and to be teachable.

Seek Advice From Others

It’s not a secret that one of my idols is Paul McCartney of the Beatles. Not long ago, I had the opportunity to sit in on a sound check with McCartney. There were only a few of us in a large stadium.

He walked out and I was off to the side. It was interesting to watch his interaction. He actually walked up to the crew, to his band members, and he hugged them. Then he sat down to sound check his piano. He asked for input on different settings. He was asking for advice and interacting.

Here you have arguably one of the biggest celebrities in the world. He walked out, engaged his crew and his other band members with hugs, with a warm friendly interaction.

But then he was asking questions through the process. I was learning from him, one of my idols and icons, someone who’s been a mentor from afar.

No matter what level you’re at or where you’re at in life, consider these two things:

  1. Respect people. Respect who they are and be open to their advice and interaction.
  2. Surround yourself with good people. Learn from them. Have an open mind. And most importantly, be teachable.

Thank you to all my friends in Singapore and from around the world who made last week so memorable. I’m re-energized and excited about the future!

Photos From Singapore

Here are a few photos from the USANA Live event in Singapore. Click or swipe to see my interaction with someone I’ve looked to for advice for a long time. I bet many of you have as well.


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