10 Powerful Ideas to Post in Your Mind

As many of you know, I’m always trying to expand my mind and learn from others. Over the years, I’ve encountered several key thoughts that I try to live by. I’m not always successful in living by them, and it’s definitely not always easy. But I think the following 10 Powerful Ideas to Post in Your Mind are worth pursuing.

What do you think? Are there two or three that especially resonate with you? Do you have additional strategies to help you down your path toward success? I’d love to start a conversation in the comments about the notion of self-awareness.

What are our limitations, and how can we overcome them to reach our full potential?

10 Powerful Ideas

1. There is no perfect life, perfect day, perfect performance, perfect vacation — these are myths that exist only in the mind. I will savor perfect moments as they come and realize they coexist with the messy, complex, and painful. Life is full of wonder and I will enjoy all that I can!

2. When I have a concern, I will do what is in my power and then let go of the rest, allowing myself a peaceful heart.

3. When my thoughts return again and again to upsetting events, images, conversations, or fears I can put up a stop sign in my mind. I choose where my mind goes and will replace paralyzing obsessing with ideas that comfort, inspire, and empower.

4. On a subconscious level, I expect all traffic lights to be short, grocery lines to go fast, children to be obedient and respectful all the time, holidays to go perfectly, friends to know just what to say, and the rain to always wait till after sundown….and then I am disappointed 100 times a day! Ask–What was I expecting? It’s a paradox; expect less and I’ll enjoy more.

5. The absolute truth is that there is always good along with the bad. We get tunnel vision so often and only see the failures, the frustrating, the disappointing…but reality is always brighter than that. There are weeds, yes, but there are also flowers! Don’t be fooled—see the whole picture and tell the truth.

6. I am not responsible for everything and I have limited control over things besides myself, especially others’ choices. I will bless and lift and help all that I can and realize that any influence I’m privileged to have is a gift.

7. Am I going to care about this in a year? Most things we get upset about can be categorized as inconveniences, challenges, or difficult moments. They are, literally, not the end of the world, and they will pass. Change mindset from panic to problem-solving and underreact.

8. If I make a mistake and someone discovers I am human, great—they’ll probably like me better for it! We assume everyone is thinking the worst, when people mostly aren’t thinking of us at all, they are busy worrying about their own lives. I am doing the best I can with my unique life. I will give myself the compassion and approval I need and throw away the chains of trying to please everyone else.

9. Carrying around future problems only exhausts and overwhelms me. I can trust my future self to handle things as they come. I have survived 100% of my challenges so far and I will keep doing it, one problem at a time.

10. Anxiety is simply the other side of the coin of a mind with great gifts. What if I took my ability to overthink, worry, and imagine the worst and used it instead to dream, plan, and create great things? I choose to focus my mental energies outward instead of destroying my own peace. I will use my superpowers for good.

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