Tag Archive for: news release

5 Ways to Cultivate a Growth Mindset

Possessing a growth mindset is critical, especially as the business world evolves at an unprecedented rate. Recent findings underscore that companies fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptability outperform their competitors significantly.

What is a growth mindset? It’s the belief that talents and abilities can be developed through hard work, good strategies, and input from others. It stands as a cornerstone for innovation and resilience in today’s ever-competitive market. Spring is a time for renewal and growth. Therefore, it serves as the perfect backdrop to highlight the importance of nurturing a growth mindset in the business realm.

Kevin Guest - Video ProductionCarol Dweck, a renowned psychologist and author of Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, said: “In a growth mindset, challenges are extended invitations to learn.”

Business leaders who exemplify a growth mindset are those who are not afraid to take risks, experiment with new ideas, and adapt to changing market conditions. They approach problems with a blend of creativity and pragmatism, viewing obstacles not as barriers but as opportunities to learn and evolve.

Develop a Growth Mindset

The good news is that a growth mindset can be developed. Here are a few tips:

  1. Reframe challenges: View challenges as opportunities to learn and grow
  2. Focus on effort: Believe that your abilities can improve with effort and practice
  3. Celebrate learning: Embrace a passion for lifelong learning
  4. Seek feedback: Actively seek feedback from others and use it to improve
  5. Foster a supportive environment: Encourage risk-taking and celebrate effort over mere outcomes

After an embarrassing experience presenting a proposal to a major Texas retailer decades ago, my then-business partner and I could have felt like failures. Instead, we channeled our experience into fuel for their ambitions, propelling us toward success.

As I write in All the Right Reasons, during a long layover in the Denver airport, Shawn and I wrote a business plan on the back of about 20 napkins. This laid the groundwork for our highly successful video production company in the years ahead. Yes, we were humiliated. But we didn’t let the experience break us. Shawn and I still laugh whenever we talk about that experience. Our belief in ourselves and our growth mindset made all the difference.

Reason No. 9: The Cardboard Keyboard Principle (video)

I originally shared these thoughts in a news release published on April 2, 2024. All the Right Reasons: 12 Timeless Principles for Living a Life in Harmony, which is available on Amazon, uncovers 12 principles for living a life in harmony and drawing on the power of values to help find life’s success secrets. All proceeds feed hungry children, with each book purchase providing 40 meals.

Leap Day: 7 Ways to Make the Most of Added Day

Every four years, we’re given a unique gift — one extra day. Feb. 29, 2024 is Leap Day, a rare occasion that offers an additional 24 hours in the year.

Some might view Leap Day as just another day. But those who understand the value of time see it as a bonus for personal development and skill-building.

To maximize this Leap Year Day, I’d like to share seven effective strategies that cater to a spectrum of interests.

7 Ways to Make the Most Out of Leap DayLeap Day: Time for Self-Care

Self-care and harmony are prioritized in the first three suggestions.

  • Meditate: Dedicate the day to nurturing your mental health. Practice mindfulness or learn the art of meditation. It’s a gift of tranquility you can offer to yourself.
  • Read: Leap Day is a good time to catch up on reading. Is there a book that’s been sitting on your reading list for too long? Use your extra day to immerse yourself in a good book and broaden your horizons.
  • Reconnect with nature: Carve time in the extra day to bask in the great outdoors. Hiking, gardening or merely relishing in the beauty of nature can provide a much-needed mental reset.

Fourth, I encourage everyone to define your goals and aspirations. All of us can benefit by creating our own vision board that helps us visualize our ideal future.

Start Something!

Escape the monotony and find a new groove with these final three action-oriented suggestions.

  • Learn a new skill
  • Kickstart a passion project
  • Volunteer your services

Whether learning something new, igniting a dream project you’ve been contemplating, or giving back to your community by volunteering, all are invigorating ways toward personal growth.

With Leap Day as a time of self-reflection, nothing speaks more profoundly to the essence of self-care than living a life that’s aligned with your core values. That’s an empowering journey that fosters personal growth and paves the way for personal fulfillment.

I originally shared these thoughts in a news release published on Feb. 28, 2024. All the Right Reasons: 12 Timeless Principles for Living a Life in Harmony, which is available on Amazon, uncovers 12 principles for living a life in harmony and drawing on the power of values to help find life’s success secrets. All proceeds feed hungry children, with each book purchase providing 40 meals.

Friendship Focus: 3 Benefits of In-Person Contact

February’s International Friendship Month is a time for people everywhere to strengthen personal connections in an age where digital communication dominates.

As I’ve said many times before, there’s nothing more important than relationships. I’ve found that friendship isn’t just about sharing good times, it’s about being there for each other when life gets tough. My friends have been my pillars of strength, helping me navigate through the storms.

When I’m speaking to audiences, a few topics always resonate:

  • How to be successful in business
  • The importance of connecting personally with others
  • The value of truly connecting with people in a hyper-digital world (as I wrote about recently)

Strengthening my network of associates — and friends — has brought success in my professional and personal life.

Building on Friendship: In-Person Contact

Over the years, I’ve found three key benefits of prioritizing in-person contact:

  1. An enhanced emotional connection
  2. Increased trust and rapport
  3. A stronger sense of community

Bringing people together builds relationships more effectively than anything else.

Studies dictate that face-to-face interactions bear fruits of understanding and trust that digital dialogue simply cannot replicate. In-person requests are 34 times more likely to receive a positive response than one by email, according to research reported by The Washington Post.

As a result of one volunteer project, I worked with Bob Hope and began a business relationship with Alan Osmond. The opportunity to work with highly respected politicians, celebrities, and sports figures opened the door for many future corporate events and projects that otherwise wouldn’t have happened.

And it was all in person where I made contacts and friends who promoted my business for years to come.

Technology is ideal for training and project management, but it falls short in terms of building relationships and addressing conflict.

You’ve heard me say before: Everyone is in the people business. It’s the handshake, the eye contact, and the unplanned conversations that often lead to remarkable ideas and lasting collaborations.

This month, I’m issuing a challenge to rekindle the spirit of genuine bonds in person.

I originally shared these thoughts in a news release published on Feb. 1, 2024. All the Right Reasons: 12 Timeless Principles for Living a Life in Harmony, which is available on Amazon, uncovers 12 principles for living a life in harmony and drawing on the power of values to help find life’s success secrets. All proceeds feed hungry children, with each book purchase providing 40 meals.

Make 2024 The Year of Connection

One notion I’ve thought a lot about lately is how we’re living in a super-connected world, yet many of us feel disconnected. That’s why I’m encouraging us to make 2024 The Year of Connection as we strive to make more meaningful connections.

In this increasingly digital era, the paradox of disconnection in a connected world is more real than ever. Despite unprecedented digital connectivity, many find themselves feeling more alone than ever.

The detrimental effects on mental and emotional well-being are alarming, with loneliness, anxiety, and depression topping the list and becoming all too common.

🎥 Make Meaningful Connections in Our Over-Connected World

Make 2024 The Year of Connection

Studies show that 95% of teens are on social media. A third say they are on it “almost constantly.” And nearly 40% of adults in the United States use social media for more than two hours a day.

A CDC study found that between 2013 and 2019, one in five teens reported they had experienced major depression. A 2022 analysis found that social media addiction was associated with a 20% increase in loneliness, with 26% of Americans reporting they feel lonely on a regular basis.

In fact, multiple studies have found a correlation between social media addiction and loneliness.

🤔 Are we using technology as a tool to foster genuine relationships or are we letting it dictate our interactions?

Making Meaningful Connections

As we navigate the digital era, I implore you to connect in person with colleagues, friends, and family.

As we begin 2024, let’s balance our online presence with real-life engagements. Let’s reshape the narrative of our digital lives and prioritize genuine connections. By intentionally deciding the way we engage with technology, we can cultivate authentic relationships amid the digital noise.

Let’s use technology as a bridge to genuine human connection, not as a barrier. Strive to make 2024 The Year of Connection!

Let Our Ugly Sweaters Connect Us

You may have seen this photo on my LinkedIn and other social media. But I wanted to post it here as a reminder that showing off our wonderfully imperfect selves can help us foster a deeper connection with those around us. USANA CEO & President Jim Brown and I had a good laugh seeing each other’s ugly sweaters in celebration of Ugly Sweater Day on Dec. 15.

Kevin Guest and Jim Brown in Ugly Holiday Sweaters | 2024 The Year of Connection

I shared a version of this blog post in a news release published on Jan. 3, 2024. Other material originated on my LinkedIn.

Celebrate the Spirit of Giving

I love this time of year. For me, as I’m sure it is for many of you, it’s a season of giving. December, in fact, is designated to be “National Giving Month” in the United States.

It’s about more than just material gifts, of course. This time of year we should give of our time, our service, and our compassion. As I wrote at the start of the month, it’s important to give of ourselves to others.

But it’s also important to give to ourselves.

We need to stay balanced personally. To do that, we should dedicate time for self-care, peace, and solitude. By nurturing ourselves, we cultivate the energy needed to help others.

National Giving Month | Kevin Guest

3 Ways to Celebrate the Spirit of Giving

  1. Serve Others: Volunteer time and skills to those in need. Whether it’s helping a neighbor or volunteering at a charity, I find tremendous value in getting outside of myself and making a difference in someone else’s life.
  2. Anonymous Do Kind Acts: Do something kind for someone who can do nothing for you in return. When possible, do it anonymously. It’s an act that truly embodies the spirit of giving and flows out to others.
  3. Give to Yourself: Because it’s important to stay balanced personally, dedicate time for self-care, peace, and solitude. By nurturing ourselves, we cultivate the energy and tolerance needed to help others.

In All the Right Reasons, I relay a story of a college professor who said, “Nothing is more important than relationships. In your careers, your paths will cross with many people. They all matter and deserve your attention and care, even if all you do is smile, say hello and learn their names. Few things are more important to people than being called by their first name.”

Especially during this month of giving, I urge everyone to treat others with kindness and respect. Learn their names, acknowledge them as you pass by, and step outside of your own issues to be genuinely respectful to everyone.

By adopting this mindset, individuals can foster deeper connections, creating a sense of unity and shared purpose that extends beyond the holiday season.

As the Month of Giving unfolds, let’s come together to create a ripple effect of generosity, kindness, and compassion. By serving others, helping anonymously, and actually giving time for ourselves, we pave the way for stronger, more meaningful relationships that endure well beyond the holiday season.

We all have the power to help others, to give back, and to do good in this world. That’s my wish and hope for you this holiday season. Please take comfort in the spirit of giving to those around you and to yourself.

I shared these thoughts in a news release published on Dec. 4, 2023. I also shared a version with e-newsletter subscribers on Dec. 19. Please consider subscribing.

Emotional Intelligence, Gratitude Go Hand in Hand

In thinking about emotional intelligence, it seems to have become a buzzword in business. For successful enterprises, it’s so much more.

Kevin Guest | Power of Emotional IntelligenceThe notion of understanding and managing our emotions in the workplace isn’t necessarily new, but today more than ever it’s crucial, I believe, in achieving success. In an age when businesses seek innovative strategies for a competitive edge, emotional intelligence is key.

Cultivating emotional intelligence among leaders and employees is a game-changing approach to gain momentum and drive business success. I’ve found this skill to be a linchpin for success across diverse industries and markets globally.

Recent Harvard Business School research provides compelling evidence of the transformative power of EI in business. The study underscores that emotionally intelligent leaders can create a positive work environment, significantly motivating their teams and instilling a sense of belonging among employees.

Another Harvard study concluded that 200 companies with a high level of emotional intelligence saw output increase by 20 percent. The message is clear: Emotional intelligence is not just a buzzword; it’s a key driver of business excellence. By fostering a culture of empathy, understanding, and emotional management, companies can boost productivity remarkably.

Gratitude Plays a Role

And nestled within the important realm of emotional intelligence is gratitude. It’s top-of-mind for us in the United States as we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving Day. It’s no coincidence that November is also National Gratitude Month.

In this space last year, I shared five ideas to show gratitude that might even go above and beyond a simple thank you:

  • Making a phone call
  • Writing a handwritten note
  • Offering an in-person expression of gratitude
  • Stating gratitude of another to them in front of others
  • Saying thank you by taking a friend out to lunch or dinner

I’m always looking for ways to demonstrate gratitude. I approach EI with a grateful heart as I seek to foster skills of perspective and understanding. This reminds me of an allegory I share in my book, All the Right Reasons, about a currant bush that “complains” about being trimmed prematurely, only to realize later that this pruning was necessary for it to reach its full potential. Much like the bush, our growth often comes from challenges.

Read More: The Currant Bush Principle

So, what does this mean for us in the business world? It means that by focusing on EI, we can boost productivity remarkably and create a harmonious work environment. It’s an initiative that holds the promise to transform business leaders and teams to higher levels of success.

As we communicate effectively with a strong sense of empathy, accountability, and flexibility, we’ll find that we handle stress better and act with a greater perspective, which benefits everyone.

Let’s embrace EI — and remember to express gratitude — for a more empathetic, productive, and successful tomorrow. Together, we can redefine the future of business.

Emotional Intelligence

I shared these thoughts in a LinkedIn post and news release published on Nov. 1, 2023. I also shared a version with e-newsletter subscribers on Nov. 21. Please consider subscribing.

Promise2Live: 5 Reminders That You Are Valued

As Executive Chairman at USANA Health Sciences, I’ve come to understand the importance of addressing mental health concerns head-on. Today, I want to talk about a cause close to my heart—suicide prevention and Promise2Live.

Recently, I’ve been helping Promise2Live.org raise awareness around suicide prevention and provide resources for those in need. It’s a cause that demands our attention and compassion because it affects countless individuals and communities in ways that are often unseen and unspoken. I’ve seen the critical impact of Promise2Live’s work as they strive to offer a beacon of light in the darkest hours for those who need it most.

Promise2Live is Shaping the Conversation on Suicide Prevention

On Sept. 10, Promise2Live hosted an amazing global event to help everyone from kids to adults who might struggle with suicidal thoughts. Please watch it on YouTube.

As part of September’s Suicide Prevention Month, I shared on my LinkedIn five reminders that I believe can help each one of us remember our worth, our value, and our purpose in life.

1. Self-Love

We must embrace who we are, with all our strengths and flaws. Each one of us is unique, and that uniqueness is actually our superpower. It gives us the ability to contribute to the world in a way no one else can. As we genuinely love ourselves, we’ll see increased self-esteem, healthier relationships, and improved mental and emotional health.

2. Connections

Our relationships with family, friends, and loved ones nourish our soul. They give us strength, comfort, joy, smiles, and laughs. It’s important to stay connected, to reach out, and to let others in. When someone says, “How are you?” they’re showing love, care, and interest. Those conversations from loved ones can provide comfort and support when it’s needed most.

3. Support

Life can be challenging, and sometimes, we all need help. And I’ve found it’s OK to ask for it. It’s OK to receive it. More than ever, there’s strength in vulnerability, and there’s courage in admitting when we need a listening ear or hand to hold. Remember, you are not in this alone. There is always someone to help you and show love to you. Always.

4. Purpose

Each one of us has passions, dreams, and aspirations. In fact, if I spent five minutes with you, I bet I’d find amazing things about your passion and dreams. Pursuing dreams gives our life meaning and direction. It drives us forward and fuels our spirit. Charge forward with your passion.

5. Gratitude

Finally, practicing gratitude is a powerful tool that I use daily. It brings positivity and perspective into our lives. It helps us appreciate the beauty in the world and the goodness in others.

Supporting One Another Year-Round

USANA partners with Promise2Live for a global suicide prevention campaign.Each one of these reminders serves as a lifeline, a reaffirmation of the genuine worth and value that lives in each of us. Again, please remember that you are loved. You are valued. And you have a purpose.

Now, here’s the important part. Suicide prevention is an ongoing commitment to supporting one another. So let’s turn these words into action! I invite each of you to join me in my mission to make a real impact.

Visit Promise2Live.org to make the promise and start a conversation. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of countless individuals who may be struggling with thoughts of despair and loneliness.

Together, we can bring about change, one conversation at a time. I believe in the power of harmony, compassion, and understanding. And I believe in you.

I shared these thoughts in a LinkedIn post published in September 2023 as part of Suicide Prevention Month. If you or someone you know is struggling with thoughts of suicide, call 988 to connect with the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.

5 Benefits of Returning to the Office

Over the last several years, working remotely has become the norm, largely out of necessity, for companies around the world. But with the pandemic largely in the rearview mirror, I’m seeing huge workplace productivity benefits as employees transition back to the office.

True collaboration — the kind that sparks creativity, triggers innovation, and thrives in an environment of face-to-face dialogue — is the lifeblood of any successful business. As we welcome our associates back, we see this move is igniting a new wave of energy and productivity.

In the Office: 5 Key Benefits

I’ve identified five key benefits of associates returning to the office as I visit company operations across the globe. Find the full article on Yahoo! Finance.

  1. Enhanced collaboration
  2. Relationship building
  3. Vibrant company culture
  4. Mentorship and learning opportunities
  5. Increased employee engagement

5 Benefits of Returning to the Office Kevin Guest

Our office space is designed to foster spontaneous brainstorming, quick problem-solving discussions, and real-time feedback. Those interactions are critical to driving innovation. That happens more naturally when we’re back in pre-pandemic work settings.

By working together physically, I see stronger relationships forged, which leads to improved teamwork and communication. Our on-site activities, celebrations, and routines are instrumental in creating a sense of belonging and shared values. These do much to reinforce our strong company culture.

Moreover, the office environment provides a fertile ground for mentorship and learning, with less-experienced employees gaining invaluable insights from seasoned colleagues.

That kind of connection is valuable, especially for younger workers who are looking at short- and long-term benefits for their own careers.

📖 Further Reading: I shared more on the topic in this LinkedIn article

As I write in my book, All the Right Reasons, having interacted with thousands of people during my career, I have come to realize that the best, most authentic relationship-building experiences happen when you’re sitting kneecap to kneecap with someone, looking each other in the eye, and sincerely wanting to understand. Facebook, Instagram, email, Skype, and other forms of electronic media are great for communicating and connecting across distances, but face-to-face meetings lead to solid business partnerships and long-term relationships.

These are the meaningful relationships that help grow a business. They foster trust, build bridges, and help us manage conflict from a position of mutual understanding. With all of its incredible benefits, technology can’t replace the power of face-to-face communication.

Best of All: Increased Engagement

Being physically present in the office helps to foster a sense of community and shared purpose. It boosts employee satisfaction and productivity. It’s like a party with good friends that you don’t want to miss out on.

I shared these thoughts in a news release that went out on Oct. 2, 2023. All the Right Reasons: 12 Timeless Principles for Living a Life in Harmony, which is available on Amazon, uncovers 12 principles for living a life in harmony and drawing on the power of values to help find life’s success secrets. All proceeds feed hungry children, with each book purchase providing 40 meals.

Be Happy: 5 Ways to Celebrate Happiness

Did you know August is “Happiness Happens Month?” I’ve found happiness is not a destination; it’s a way of life. Even during difficult times, finding joy in the simplest moments can create a ripple effect of positivity. This month, we remind people that happiness is always within their grasp. And celebrating it every day can brighten the world and make it a better place.

As you know, I’m a big believer in the importance of living life in harmony and aligning one’s actions with principles that lead to lasting fulfillment. With that, I encourage each of you to infuse your life with happiness.

Wrapping myself up in music is one of the things that makes me most happy. I’ve found that the most accomplished people have discovered joy in one of several ways. These five habits seem to be the most powerful.

5 Habits for Increased Happiness

  1. Focus on positivity
  2. Embrace every day with joy
  3. Appreciate the little things
  4. Get lost in a hobby you love
  5. Find someone to serve

I shared these thoughts in a news release that went out on Aug. 1, 2023, in celebration of August’s Happiness Happens Month. All the Right Reasons: 12 Timeless Principles for Living a Life in Harmony, which is available on Amazon, uncovers 12 principles for living a life in harmony and drawing on the power of values to help find life’s success secrets. All proceeds feed hungry children, with each book purchase providing 40 meals.

Self-Care Day: 7 Tips to Prioritize Your Own Well-Being

Taking care of yourself is crucial, especially when times get tough. Specifically, it’s essential in these times to prioritize our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. International Self-Care Day, which takes place July 24, reminds us to engage in self-care practices that enhance our quality of life.

I’ve found seven key habits for aligning one’s core values with harmony and balance.

  1. Self-reflect each morning: Start your day with a few minutes of quiet introspection to set a positive tone for the day.
  2. Meditate: Use guided meditation to reduce stress and promote relaxation.
  3. Spend time in nature: Connect with the outdoors to boost mood and improve mental health.
  4. Detox digitally: Unplug from electronic devices to give your mind a break and enhance focus.
  5. Listen to favorite music: Reduce anxiety and stress by listening to soothing tunes.
  6. Engage in a new creative activity: Stimulate your brain and unleash your creativity by trying something new.
  7. Get enough sleep: Prioritize restful sleep to support physical and mental health.

What’s On My Self-Care Day To-Do List?

Benefits of Self-Care

I’ve found that when we do these self-care practices, we increase energy, improve mental clarity, and enhance overall well-being. For example, music is medicine to me and helps me balance when pressures build. As our band, The Free Radicals, performs, we see people singing, smiling, and dancing to the music, whether we’re in Mexico, Europe, the United States, China, or Korea. Music is a universal power that balances people.

Growing up, there was always music in our home, and it set a good feeling. My love for music has been with me for as long as I can remember. It has transformed my life and continues to help me balance.

In celebration of International Self-Care Day, I encourage you to share your self-care practices and positive experiences by using the hashtag #SelfCareJuly on social media.

I shared these thoughts in a news release that went out on June 29, 2023, in advance of International Self-Care Day. All the Right Reasons: 12 Timeless Principles for Living a Life in Harmony, which is available on Amazon, uncovers 12 principles for living a life in harmony and drawing on the power of values to help find life’s success secrets. All proceeds feed hungry children, with each book purchase providing 40 meals.