Smile! Increase Harmony, Relieve Stress, Boost Positive Feelings

For World Smile Day, I am urging everyone to smile and reap health benefits.

Smiling is a choice I make every morning. I smile, not because life is perfect, but because I choose to see the positive in every situation. I make it my duty to find something to be cheerful about every day. Instead of pushing people away with negativism, I work to draw them in with my smile.

In my book, All the Right Reasons, I write, in your careers, your paths will cross with many people. They all matter and deserve your attention and care, even if all you do is smile, say hello, and learn their names. You’ve heard me speak several times about “The Dorothy Principle,” which concludes the most important thing is relationships.

As humans, we need each other. We need encouragement, empathy, and connections. We need smiles, kind words, good advice, and trusted friends.

The first Friday of October is World Smile Day, started by artist Harvey Ball, who created the smiley face in 1963. Today, Harvey’s yellow smiley symbol is universally popular and an instant reminder to see the bright side of things.

World Smile Day


7 Benefits Associated with Smiling

Today, I’d like to share seven benefits I’ve found from genuinely smiling each day.

  1. First, it relieves stress and tension.
  2. Next, smiling releases neuropeptides and hormones that have a positive effect on the immune system.
  3. Smiling also helps activate T cells, which fight infections.
  4. Smiling helps improve one’s mood and makes one feel happier.
  5. It lowers blood pressure and is a natural pain reliever.
  6. Among other benefits, smiling more often helps people look younger and more attractive.
  7. Smiling also makes you more approachable, which helps you collaborate more easily with others and accomplish your goals.


Find a Hobby That Makes You Smile

Some people turn to a hobby to boost their mood and smile more.

World Smile Day | Kevin GuestPlaying music is so fun for me that I can’t help but smile when I sing. I’ve made it a point to always love what I do and do what I love, which is a formula for me to smile and bring out the best.

Even more, for those needing a boost to smile, find time to dance. My wife and I even have a picture in my book of us dancing in the desert. It’s hard not to smile when you do. Maybe we should all dance a little more.

I shared these thoughts and more in a news release that went out on Oct. 6, 2022, ahead of National Smile Day. All the Right Reasons: 12 Timeless Principles for Living a Life in Harmony is available on Amazon. All proceeds feed hungry children, with each book purchase providing 40 meals.

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